Peccato che del loro minuto di silenzio non gliene freghi niente a nessuno e poi perché nessuno ha mosso un dito per fermare l'assassinio di cuccioli inermi massacrati, sepolti o bruciati ancora vivi avvelenati o uccisi a bastonate .
Quale paese degno d'essere considerato civile può comportarsi così?
Noi non seguiremo le partite di calcio degli europei non solo perché non c'interessa , ma perché ci fa ribrezzo solo l'idea di aver contribuito anche in piccola parte all'assassinio di poveri cuccioli indifesi.
I campi di calcio dell'Ucraina sono sommersi dal sangue dei cani e gatti uccisi, se non volete essere complici di questo orribile massacro boicottate gli europei di calcio, dimostriamo a queste carogne che non siamo come loro!
Damn it's comforting to know that players observe a minute of silence before each game, in protest at the killing of dogs and cats in Ukraine, very touching!
Too bad their not give a minute of silence fool anybody and then because no one has lifted a finger to stop the killing of innocent puppies killed, poisoned, buried or burned alive or killed with sticks.
Which country deserved to be considered civilian can do so?
We do not follow football matches of the Europeans not only because we are not interested, but because it makes us shudder just thinking of having contributed in small part in the murder of poor defenseless puppies.
The soccer fields are submerged in Ukraine by the blood of dogs and cats killed if you do not want to be complicit in this horrible massacre boycotted the European Football Championship, we show these bastards that are not like them!
Too bad their not give a minute of silence fool anybody and then because no one has lifted a finger to stop the killing of innocent puppies killed, poisoned, buried or burned alive or killed with sticks.
Which country deserved to be considered civilian can do so?
We do not follow football matches of the Europeans not only because we are not interested, but because it makes us shudder just thinking of having contributed in small part in the murder of poor defenseless puppies.
The soccer fields are submerged in Ukraine by the blood of dogs and cats killed if you do not want to be complicit in this horrible massacre boycotted the European Football Championship, we show these bastards that are not like them!
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La grandezza di una nazione e il suo progresso morale si possono
giudicare dal modo in cui tratta gli animali
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)